streamate, flirt4free, cam girl, model, gogo dancer and all around nerdy nerd nerdette. Adventures and random thoughts there in w/ shiney new pictures too!! (formally on kinklive until further notice)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
In case you happen to read this on the day: Happy Christmas (I know it's not a question, but what the hell).
teehee!!! awww man I missed this but thank you, I hope ur christmas was super duper awesome (I wonder what regular duper is)
I wanted to share a post with you guys that I thought was interesting from FetLife.... Feel free to read it if you'd like, if not you can always scroll on by it :)
His roomates are racist????!!!!
Friday, December 23, 2011
What do you do to relax?
masturbate... sex... listen to music, draw/sew, yoga, dancing, singing, gaming, watch bad movies, good one's... read
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Would you rather vacation at the beach or in the mountains?
Who made the biggest difference in your life?
friends, family... a few ex friends have both damaged temporarily and helped me to see things that needed a change...
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
schedule as of today
27th: (4pm - 7pm)
29th: (1pm -4pm)
31st: Dancing (tentative) @ Lair De Sade
(all times are pacific times)
I'm semi-sad my dancing shoot Saturday was cancelled but what can ya do :-/ Hopefully I'll find something else to fill in my time with or perhaps I can actually attempt to get some real rest?? Doing the latest of holiday shopping today. I rather hate this time of year and I know it's a ploy to get everyone to buy shit but... it still makes ppl happy/sad when you don't get them things and since I'm not a total brokeass right now I figure I should take advantage of this fact.
Waiting for pictures... trying not to be a brat but feeling impatient cause I really want to see the results!! I won't be too much of a bother. I tend to tire out easily but I wish it wasn't a necessary evil...
I was on the Rev Mel Show (click here to see) this monday! I'm really curious as to why Fetlife hasn't picked it up yet. It's a really fun quaility show and it's interesting seeing what happens behind the scenes. I think it should be far more popular than it is. I'm going to do my best to tune in regularly from now on.
Guess that's about all there is to report... I hope you all have a happy holiday season! I also should be getting back on the video making/editing soon! I've been a bit lax since I'm not sure where I placed my cam last/been busy/tired. Thank you all for your continued support and love!
End Transmission
(photog's port can be found here)
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
Monday, December 19, 2011
Kink Live (tuesday) 12/20/11
I had a really good time yesterday (though the first hour I was a little lonely :-P)
ps my nipples still hurt from yesterday's clothes pin thingy... any tips on how to deal with that? I'm still really new to doing anything to them since they're so sensitive and all... I think they hate me right now hahaha
anywho hope to see you all tomorrow and tonight I should be visiting rev mel too... on her show on at 8pm (Pacific time) click here plz!! <3 <3
^--- image by RMMP studios
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
Sunday, December 18, 2011
You're very welcome I admire you do much dear.
I'm not sure what this is in response to but I like being admired :D thanks
Shoot schedule this so far..... (dates not listed I'm free)
19th: Rev Mel's bondage show!! ( <3 8pm PST
20th: (4pm- 7pm)
22nd: (1pm - 4pm)
24th: Riverbed Dancing Shoot (8am -12pm)
27th: (4pm - 7pm)
29th: (1pm -4pm)
31st: Dancing (tentative) @ Lair De Sade
Friday, December 16, 2011
Why do you now call yourself Britney Siren? Are you no longer "silenced"?
naw I'm both... I needed a name to use for kink so yeah... oh life is simple isn't it haha
Thursday, December 15, 2011
What's your favorite song right now?
Commercial whore has been stuck in my head for the past day so I'll go with that.... yay x-fusion!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
It's not you Siren? Aw a shame, I was prepared to give the follower a cookie
:( I want a cookie... don't tease w/ mentions of awesome cookie like things and not deliver... tis the way to mine heart... (and bacon)
Do you like playing in the snow?
I'd love to try some day........ :(
Sorry for the brief Hiatus
I realize it's also been a while since I've really written anything. I normally just throw some video up here and a half ass fancy picture and call it a day :) Not that I don't enjoy doing such but the writing that thinks it's inside of me likes to come out sometimes so perhaps a random freestyle (as all my writing tends to be anyway) is in order. Sure there's more words than necessary, grammatical errors... expletive deletives but some people LOVE those right?
So what's been going on lately?
Work wise I've been a good amount of busy and not busy. So much in fact that I can actually take time out to relax and not worry so much about everything under the sun. I've found that a relatively steady cash flow creates such a possitive energy that things that would normally infuriate me have simply rolled off the shoulders and into the gutter. Random not so random but can't recall his name art class dude commented on said positive energy with a few others. As someone who has struggled with bouts of depression and repressed anger to hear such kind words from those who've known me for a while and those who are just getting to know me means a lot. I feel like at the very least I've shown some improvement in this area. I think seeing some of the negatively that others cultivate and thrive in makes me want to steer clear most of the time. I know this is not 100% possible but I can stay away from triggers and such. I've come to realize that not everyone fits neatly together... I don't like to talk or hear about certain people who are simply not worth my time. Not in a I'm better, I'm angry at you.... mostly I focus energy on those people and things who give energy back.
Another thing I've come to realize is while most folks can live by that motto of not needing anyone that this is the biggest fallacy in the planet. Those folks who can tear you down (those closest) are the ones who can rebuild you as well... I guess this is a bit of the power we give away when we choose our extended families. I used to have fears of such things... letting folks in too soon, not saying enough, saying far too much.... I think that I might've found a balance and have learned to deal with most trivial issues on my own w/out having to burden anyone with them. I've learned to not let as much bug me.
People are layered, not just one dimensional... not all pieces fit and that should be ok. Try not to judge as quickly or as harshly as in my younger days though seeing such judgments still are a pet peeve I do realize that all things come into their own on time. Friends don't always have to agree with all that you do... as long as they still care and respect you, don't degrade or debase one for the decisions they've made... but know when to step in if something is of detriment to themselves and others.... (which can also be a very slippery slope)
***** things of note recently ****
Less internet trolling from internet trolls (always a good thing)
Less offence from trolls (block buttons are a lovely feature)
Trip to Vegas (FINALLY)
Socializing/Networking more and stepping out of the hermit comfort zone!! (still not where I wanna be but well on the journey)
Addressing problems directly with people more often (instead of holding things in or messaging them a billion years later!!)
Having less issues with folks, being offended less, laughing more
Getting along better w/ family
I'm really happy that things are going as well as they are. For new penpals, friends... all the positive things that are happening. If it doesn't last at least I have these moments right now... of calm... :)
OK back to the normal stuff (schedule as of today)
15th: (1pm- 4pm)
16th: Birthday party :)
18th: (4pm - 7pm)
20th: (4pm- 7pm)
22nd: (1pm - 4pm)
27th: (4pm - 7pm)
29th: (1pm -4pm)
If you'd like to book me for anything feel free to leave me a comment message or contact me on any of the networks listed at the end of this post :D
and a random video about videogame piracy! Not that I would know ANYTHING about that lol... If you'd like me to talk about anything in particular feel free to send me questions and such as well... I love those!!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Why on earth did I think that your answer to "What's your best talent?" was going to be something kinky??
cause you have a penis
Monday, December 5, 2011
How much TV do you watch?
not much... I only watch tv if there's a series on that I'm into but that's pretty rare. I'm mainly on netflix, dunno if that even counts for anything
You're so beautiful I touch my self to your pictures all the time.
uh thanks... Hmm why does this make me wonder about the sears cataloug? Hmmmm..... :P but ummm thank you!
Friday, December 2, 2011
What's your best talent?
hmmm I'm not sure.... eating? Puzzle gaming.... being a dorkette!! I dunno this seems like one of those questions best answered by others. What one thing does one do that impacts the world, inspires all that poppy cock...
With phatrfit's question, I have a friend who is in an overseas LDR, me and a few others try to explain why it can be difficult, and try to help him realise it won't last, but would you have any advice I could pass on to him?
I do think it's possible to have an LDR but it's very difficult. It takes a lot of trust but even w/ that everyone needs human contact/interaction. If they're both committed and this is well w/in a reasonable time span (say while someone is going to school, something w/ a definite end date for them moving closer together) I say it may be worth it. Otherwise there's no point. Eventually someone meets someone closer who can provide the closeness all humans need... even the most trusted companions can falter at some point when lonely and weak...
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
1st: 10am -1pm (pacific time)
3rd: WP Group Shoot in Riverside (still available for 1 on 1's)
9th: Group Shoot in Lomita
10th: Party of Glutenous Proportions
11th: Harem Girls/Opium Den Shoot in Winnekta (1pm)
If you're interested in booking me feel free to send me a message, comment, note and such on whatever respective website that I've linked to this. I'm normally not free on tues/thurs.... The other dates tend to vary. If you're interested in attending any of these group shoots feel free to message me as well and I can link you to the details :D
Other than that I've got new hair and a new lease on life! Well mostly I'm having really nagging throat pain. Started out scratchy yesterday and now it's scratchy and in pain. Tickling the back of my thought in the most peculiar way.... even still I shall press on and do my duties!
The video I posted last week about atheism keeps getting the same replies of "but it doesn't mean you're a church or that you don't need support b/c you're an atheist." I never said you don't need support... my real point is don't make it such a point that you feel awkward or block out possible friendship b/c you need other "like minded" ppl around. Don't make it seem like someone can't be like minded b/c they follow a religion or be supportive or have similar experiences in other things. I predict I'll be saying this many more times in the future. Perhaps I should block all commenting and do a response video to the original... when I'm not feeling lazy.... I don't have to leave for a while so perhaps I'll get off my ass and do that lmfao. I guess such is the dilemma of video or the internet, you can't just explain what you mean right away and 50 ppl will come at you with the same argument lol
I guess that's about all in Siren land... I'm going to take some meds and try to snap this cold away from my system T_T
this lovely boobie shot is by Arinston Collander
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
How do you feel about long distance relationships, would you ever be in one?
I've been in a few, they tend to be difficult to work out/keep interest/the other person tends to meet someone they can see daily and they lose interest in you w/out telling you what happened . . . so no I wouldnt' date anyone I couldn't get to see on a regular basis
Do you like to dance?
YES YES YES YES YES!!! If I could be dancing all the time I would!! I'd love to take some classes and learn more things or learn from friends :D
Saturday, November 26, 2011
What's in your refrigerator?
a bunch of bullshit... ham, and indescribable left over scary things that I do'nt want to open :(
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I quickly saw that kinklive thingie to see whatever it was, and I have to ask... how can the sound of clinking chains not drive you mad?
Honestly I don't mind the sound at all... I kinda like it actually :D It reminds me of the experience... nails on a chalk board, Really loud yelling and the like are things I can't bare to hear though
How could you not??
I read one of the threads in one of these discussions that asked the question; can you love your slave? It seems to me that this is one of those how could you not issues. First of all, in the world of consensual slavery, she serves you because she loves you. Secondly, because she trusts your intelligence and strength enough to give control of her well being over to you. What man, who accepts this from a woman, could not love her? I find the idea of releasing a slave when love enters into it to be ridiculous. I’m not in the business of training girls wholesale, or of owning more than one. I want to be able feel deeply about the person who shares my life. This girl, who places herself at my feet, is many things to me. Not only is she my slave, but also my lover, my friend, confidant, and muse. Some men will tell you that loving a slave will make you weak, and that your strength and will suffer for it.
This is of course not true at all. Denying yourself the depth of emotion of which you are capable, is not a strength. It is a flaw. There is no power in dispassion, there is only emptiness. Human beings can only truly come together on an emotional level. Beyond even marriage, the master and his slave are the deepest of relationships, a symbiotic one, drawing their strengths and joys from one another. I am discovering these truths more and more recently. I have been called Master for many years now. Slaves have come and gone, some good, some not so good. I can only surmise that the man who cannot allow himself to love his slave, has not found his slave. What man can say that winning the love of a woman so completely, and returning it in measure, each of their own accord and by their nature, is weakness? I cannot scorn any who do not accept these truths, I can only pity them.
Anywho hopefully you'll all be joining me onKINK LIVE tonight (4pm -7pm pacific time) We'll chat it ups and downs and all arounds while shaking those boobie tassles around (boobie tassles not included)
photograph above by martin images
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
Monday, November 21, 2011
My last free date for a bit....
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Who inspires you the most?
I can't say there's a who but there is a what, Pain is a very strong teacher that wants you to get away from it or fly blindly into it,
What are you looking forward to today?
sleep and rolling into my blankets, becoming a giant human burrito of warmth, more battle star and sprinkling in some star trek and lost
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
sorry about the quality... my normal cam died (it takes regular batteries fooey) but hopefully it's not too bad lol
Also I'll be on kink Thursday November 17th from 10am - 1pm (pacific time) If you'd like to talk/see me live muahahahahahaha :D
Aside from that nothing much new to report.... Still booking shoots for next week as it's looking rather baron but I suppose Thanksgiving has a lot to do with that... who knows.
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Tumblr -- Twitter -- Formspring -- Youtube
What's your favorite genre of music?
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Shooting Availability 11-15-2011
11/15/11 (booked)
11/16/11 (Photos by Robi Test Shoot)
11/17/11 (booked)
11/19 through 20th (work)
12/3/11 Group Shoot in Riverside
12/11/11 Group Shoot in SFV
Seems like next week is still pretty open. If you'd like to book anything feel free to contact me on the networks listed at the end of this post... or if you'd like any info on any of the group shoots that I'll be attending (I've also posted links, if they don't work for you let me know and I'll send you the direct info and who to contact)
End Transmission
^Photographer can be found here!
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
Monday, November 14, 2011
what makes you smile?
skin diamond, strippers, random fun scanks... booze, classy hoes. girls in latex and fuck me boots... star trek, witty banter, not so witty banter... the things wesley pipes says when he's layin pipe.... actually all black porn makes me chuckle sometimes, why do the guys talk so much? "you like dis dick?" sure bro... but i feel more so upset for the males who buy this and have to block out random man grunts and talking lol oh shit tangent bad... tangent
Do you have an imaginary friend?
yes... he's a giant robot, he looks like vin diesel and shoot rockets, I ride on his shoulders and we smite the faces of the infidels!!!
Do you enjoy anal sex? And if so how dies it compare to vaginal.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ummm yeah but it's painful so I'd rather not do it, vag is always better
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Got any suggestions on what to do for somebody who is bored?
masturbate.... running in traffic, Hilter marches in well populated negro areas can be good for those who want a long endurance run w/ projectiles being launched at them... don't worry the exercise can be ceased at any time by stating that you have that one black friend so you can't possibly be racist... TRUST ME WORKS EVERY-TIME!!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
So forgive the off-beat-ness of the video. If I didn't add the mp3 you would've heard many dog noises and random things in the background... kudos to me for not breaking concentration completely.
I'm ready to dance tonight! I'm looking forward to some good ol' industrial fun! I haven't been to a bonefied industrial club in a bit over a month and I'm rather missing it. Hopefully it won't be too bad since someone is performing/record release things going on... we'll see... I guess it doesn't matter what time I get there since the price will be the same all night and I don't plan on drinking. I'll probably aim for 11pm since that's when people really start dancing anyway.
And now for the Abridged Tentative Availability w/ Card Subject to change b/c of ranodom life issues!
*November 13th Mander Studios Shoot
*November 18th (tentative video shoot)
*November 19th Carbon Graphx Shoot
*November 20th..... working, Possible networking much afterwards from 4pm - 6pm (I'm sure you're welcome to attend if you are a model/photographer)
*November 26th (personal)
*December 3rd Group Shoot in Riverside (shoot with me and other lovely ladies)
*December 11th Group shoot in the valley (another shoot with a wonderful theme, also can't beat $20 for a themed shoot... )
(dates not listed are available)
If you'd like to book something please don't hesitate to send a note, comment, message... or what not or on any of the other sites I'm on bellow. Also if you have any questions, video requests or whatever let me know! It's become a bit of therapy for moi!
(thank you for this fan edit... I rather appreciate things like this :D____)
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
Today is 11/11/11. How will you celebrate it?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
What's going on lately (shoot availability and other fun stuff)
Still waiting on pics from a day of the dead shoot that I had a few weeks ago. Hopefully they're coming in the mail (ewww why is the emergency broadcast thing playing lady gaga?? WTF) Anywho... here's a list of shoots to come/things for the rest of the month... so far...
November 10th (Interview w/ kink live woot woot)
November 11th (Shooting w/ a buddy of mine... FINALLY and possible night time activities)
November 13th (Shoot with Mander Studios)
November 18th (tentative video shoot)
November 19th (Carbon Graphx Shoot)
November 20th (LA AUTO SHOW, working)
November 26th (there's a very awesome birthday this day so we'll see what happens haha)
December 3rd (Group Shoot in Riverside) feel free to come out and work with all the awesome models!! Details in the link!!
December 11th (Harem Girls/Opium Den Group Shoot in Winnetka) You probably won't be able to beat the price of this shoot... I'm really glad to be back in the group and I'm gonna start scoping out possible outfits soon!!!
So this is what I've got planned so far... subject to change... if you'd like to book something feel free to contact me on the net works I'll have listed bellow. I'd also like to get some attire together and make a formal dancing video. Hopefully money will be the way that I like to where I can get everything together very soon!!
I guess that's about all... Back to reality TV and Sorting through 6000 games, Jeez some of these mame games are just awful.
(Photographer for this pic above is Joshua Kennerly Hopefully we shall have something set in stone again soon!! Last weeks shoot didn't pan out... fooey!!)
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
zelda, overworld theme
Monday, November 7, 2011
with the question you asked, what would be your answer? just out of curiosity
face is more important than body, body can always be worked on later but if I hate your face that could cause some intimacy problems
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
What do you put on your french fries?
red liquidy substance... i drowns them in eeeet
I am quite surprised you considered my idea for the chat (i.e. Justin tv etc), but do you think you'd be posting times on your websites for when you plan on doing it?
sure, if it ever happens haha
How would you classify a "creepy person"
one who creeps me out... who does sneaky things, gives me an unsettling feeling. stalkers, molesters... folks who just make you uncomfortable
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Another Hump Day Blog for Hump Day People
Other than that not much has changed. Halloween was well this is the first one that I haven't gone out dancing for in ages. In fact I haven't gone out for the past couple of weeks and I'm starting to miss dancing. Dancing alone in one's living room isn't exactly the same thing I don't think.
I have a bunch of pictures that I'm waiting on. I'm not sure how many I'll actually get back but I'm feeling really anxious/excited to see what's to come of them. (especially the day of the dead one's... those should be all spiffy and shittake!!)
I also started watching Battle Star Galactica... I didn't expect to like it that much but it's pretty damn good. I did kinda fall asleep during the second das uber long episode but that's ok, through the joys of netflix I'll be back where I started from :D
A shoot for next sunday and the prospect of other jobs have been coming in so I'm feeling a bit hopeful to not die a completely broke person.
I'm wondering how much one can register for school online... I dunno leaving the house is expensive but I guess I'll have to figure out how to plan for that haha (in due time)
I guess that's about all... thanks to all the nice folks on DA who say such nice things, Those on Fetlife who have kind supportive words... thank you everyone whose been checking up on me lately. :)
shot by Vintage Vista
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
Are you a competitive person?
not at all lol though I do hate losing at things I'm good at but I don't cry about
I have the biggest crush on you
that's not really a question... do you DARE rip the fabric of the interwebs with such lack of question asking HMMMMMM (j/k the interwebs are ok)
Monday, October 31, 2011
What is your favorite Halloween costume?
my starfeet uniform :D (though admitedly the legs are a bit short... *sigh* )
Thursday, October 27, 2011
What was your favorite movie as a child?
The Nightmare before Christmas
Do you have any superstitions?
nope, I'm not retarded
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
happy wednesday!
Sonic 2 ranting for the masses!
At any rate if there's anything you guys would like to hear me talk about feel free to comment or message me and I'll make a spiffy video edited for maximum awesomeness!!
Other than that I'm excited for tonight! I have my first shoot since the start of the month and it has a cool theme. Plus any excuse to get out of the house is always lovely (in a non spending the money I don't have sorta way).
Other news... I've been contemplating the live chat thing. With great... pondering I have a few issues. My connection is wireless therefore the speeds/quality will probably be shit depending on which way I tilt my computer, the orbit of the planet and all that shit. Other than that my house is too fucking loud, people are very much so into what you're doing and for some reason while you're in the middle of something want to call you five billion times. I doubt I'd be able to block off enough quiet time in a well enough lit room to really do a live chat anytime soon.
Hopefully the weekend will bring many lovely pictures from a group shoot you should totally attend b/c it'll be FANTABULOSO!! It's in NOHO and there shall be food!! For more info on that click here! I'll be booking 1 on 1 shoots after the group portion :D
Oh and I finally logged onto my game crush account that I haven't used in well forever! I'm trying to figure out how to change my name there. I guess if that's not possible I'll have to delete it and start anew perhaps. I haven't done much with it so it's no big loss but I hope it's possible. I got my ass kicked in tic tack toe and that was aweful... god I suck at that game T_T Why dont' they have tetris or something!!!??
this pic was taken by this guy here!
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Youtube -- Formspring
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
What's your favorite day of the year?
I'm not sure, it's usually a moment in time where everything is perfect. You're with those you love, you feel warm and complete, loved... can't say i've ever felt that way on a holiday lol I can pinpoint my fav day last year... maybe more like fav moments
Monday, October 24, 2011
Come out and shoot me! Bang Bang!!
My shoot today I couldn't make it to (sucks not having a car).... but hopefully I'll have another oportunity to do something similar... some day...
oh well no spilled milk crying!
I have a shoot Wednesday w/ Red Red Red. Should be interesting... we'll see, and another shoot Thursday w/ one of my favorite camera have-er-persons Lightbrite
So new photos, an event, possibility for not starving to death and keeping my internet on for more than one month AWESOME!!!!
by Vintage Vista ... a shot taken in the dark with infrared cam... pretty cool experience, (hehehe shot in the dark plays in my mind) Still the most awesome photog evarrrrrrrrr!!!
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art-- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Youtube -- Formspring
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
As for happenings lately... mostly I'm tired of the random high and low periods. Broke then un broke, broken not broken and the 10 billion GWC's saying it's cool if you bring an escort but they gotta leave though when I DON'T KNOW YOU!!
I dunno if I'm just weird but the fact that I have to be alone with you for four hours for your artistic mojo to work is baffling to me. I'm starting to think that 99% of photographers are rapists. Sure some really do work in tiny spaces and some maybe get weird if there's a guy there... but I'm not betting my life on that.
Since taking this stance I probably won't be shooting very much. I'm sorry but I feel if you want to get your jollies off with a hot girl then get a call girl. I'm sure things would be a lot easier that way don't ya think? Nothing wrong with doing that either... just not something I want to do at this time.
Oh I got approved to mo-no-ties my youtube page yesterday! Isn't that spiffy? I'm wondering if I'll get a paycheck once every 2 years.... but I figure what the hell...
I guess that's about it.... bla bla bla blobbity blob lob law
End Transmission
Photographer: Unsinn Image
If you have a chance to work with him you should... he won't rape you much I promise
*Other Networks*
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Youtube -- Formspring
What is your favorite type of candy?
hmmm... butter scotch
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
while I await this video upload
The first woman had been on the streets for about 5 months. She found a shelter but they only give out 10 tokens for the week for each person. They make them leave at 6am.... where the hell one can go with that many tokens for the week is beyond me. I think there was a curfew too. They get some bread bullshit ass breakfast and have to fend for themselves until dinner time. Her child had died that day... She began crying and I wasn't really sure what to do/say. Mind you I was sitting here playing star fox and waiting on a friend...
I ended up giving her 5 bucks, a card to a different shelter, and a security office to apply to. It'd be ironic if she found a decent job before me but I wouldn't be mad. TBH with all this going on I think one would deserve some sort of good fortune.
The other woman I met yesterday. She was or well used to be a psychologist. I looked up a few places on my comp for her. A therapist that she used to work with, a few shelters. I wonder how someone can end up in this situation but I didn't pry.
I'm curious though as to why one would come up to me out of all the folks they could've came up to? Am I that welcoming of a presence? Aside from that... why be so open with strangers? Is it a well who gives a shit I've hit rock bottom?
I'm really disappointed in how things have gotten over the past year... so many women displaced not because they want to be but b/c they just can't find work. Each time it tears my heart out a bit but I wonder what can I do but listen and maybe offer a couple of bucks and go w/out using the bus for a day or 2.
I also worry for myself. I'm in a pretty shaky situation.... I've been pitting passive aggressiveness against passive aggressiveness... well mostly I've been passive and not present I would say. Ignoring back handed comments.... ignoring lots of things. I've noticed that it does actually pass if I don't really say anything or take a walk. I'm wondering if there's some bi-polar ...ness at hand here.
Anywho back to the regular stuff...
fav photo I got thus far from my most recent shoot..... see more of vintage vista's work here The most awesome person you'll ever work with. Kind pro and not a creeper :D
As far as anything up and coming we'll see... I have a few test/interview things to go to next week... I think next week will be very busy. OH and a 90's party Saturday!! I have to find something uh that doesn't match itself to wear hahahaha. I've always wanted to throw one so I'm looking forward to this!
Karaoke tonight (so I don't feel like I wasted my bus pass purchase), and ummm more karaoke Friday for a very special birthday girl!!! (w/ perhaps a few games of elevator action if that place still has it. I only admired it from a far many moons ago. (loads cam with batteries to take pictures of shiny machines... it's been a while)
I guess that's about all... aside from well waiting for many cool things in the mail for the next week or so (plz don't get stolen... I would really cry)
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
oh wait.. .the video lmfao
uh make up tips for dark chicks w/out dicks
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Can you picture what your life will be like in 5 years?
uh hopefully alive in a much better economy in my jeep driving stick shift over the horizon
if you could; would you ever want to get to know all your followers?
sure why not... dunno about all but a few seem interesting.
Monday, October 10, 2011
What's your biggest phobia?
being stuck in financial limbo for the rest of my life
What does your dream house look like?
one with rooms and no one living in it but me and who I'm fucking at that time...
Saturday, October 8, 2011
would you ever try to talk to all your followers at once (i.e. JTV) or do you prefer the quieter means, like formspring?
I've never really thought to do that for a few reasons... I don't have internet at home, even if I did my house tends to be loud and I probably wouldn't be able to sit down long enough to do such a thing. Not even sure what I would talk about actually or if anyone would be there... perhaps if I were more popular I'd consider it
and so weekend plans were cancelled
A welcome change from earlier in the day where I did my good deed of the year by giving a homeless woman sage uh listening skills and some advice. I gave her a card to a shelter, a few bucks and told her of a place to apply to for work. She'd lost her child that day and many other buzz killing things that kinda stole a bit of my sunshine for a moment. I felt a little bad that I wasn't able to help more considering I'm barely doing better than that. I did feel for her to a degree though having been in that situation but not nearly as horrible as losing a child whilst having family estranged from you. I felt a bit more thankful for the situation I'm in. While it's not perfect... I have my health, have forged some relationships which I'm not sure would've happened had my head been clouded with the junk of earlier in the year. (IE the over analyzing of anal brain waves brain waving.....)
I'm also proud of simply being able to communicate a little better with the general population. The telephone no longer intimidates me. So I guess this whole YouTube experiment is some what working? Either way I enjoy it when I have enough quiet/batteries to record something and I'm starting to enjoy the basic editing process. I may try to write out some formal things soon so as to not sound like a total disorganized scatter brain as I sound like in this video lol
(jeez this vid was actually longer than it is now lmfao)
With the exception of money always being in need.... I'm happy with most facets of life.
It's been a while since I really wrote a long entry about life. While I can be modest and say "oh no one really reads this thing" Truth is anyone who gives a shit about you reads the shit you write and even more prevalent than this.... those who hate you pay even more attention. So the day to day details should be saved for those involved right?
I've heard more than my share of wierdos who dislike or want to feign like saying second hand shit. I guess uh what do they say, "haters gonna hate" I'm not terribly concerned with this but when it pertains to those I love and who love me I'd like to keep them out of this as this isn't what they signed up for right?
Life is good...
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
loool ur Formspring answer made me LOL :P cuz siren got a big boooootayyyy xD
hahahahaha 10 points for use of the word boooootayyyy
How long have you had your favorite pair of blue jeans?
since 10th grade which I guess would've been 2001 I'm amazed that I can still fit them though many have ass ripped since then (srsly I never thought that would really happen to me but it has lol)
Do you watch Anime?
I'll watch a few older series on occassion but frankly I think I've grown out of the whole anime thing. I don't particularly like it's style, the constant re-use of the same animations episode to episode... how a lot of it is similar. The rediculous yelling at random times and certain things that get lost in translation. I'd rather watch something American with a good story/character development. I don't care for flashy animations or flashiness in general... Sadly American animation hasn't been the best in recent years either... there are a few gems here and there but a void is there. Luckily though there's always comic books which never fail to please :D
Traveling! October 7th - 9th
Other than that... life is calm in Siren world... cold but calm.
Had a wonderful shoot this weekend with Vintage Vista who quite possibly might be the nicest photographer whose ever graced my presence. Organized... always looking out for the model. Just a pleasure to work with. I can't wait to get the pics back!! (oh yes one of the few photogs that doesn't bitch about sending pictures... I don't have to hound you to get things back even though technically you don't really have to send anything.) He Even provides high quality prints!! You just can't get any better than that... :)
The photo above was shot by MXD Studios (another cool guy to work with)
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube -- Email
Friday, September 30, 2011
in response to my "hermit" question... I second that. I know it's not a question and it can't get an answer, but I just thought I'd let you know you're not the only 'introvert' like you described.
cool to know... though if we were all introverts the world would be a quiet scary but probably less fight filled place lol
What song makes you smile?
redneck pussy house by caustic makes me smile and laugh pretty hard
Thursday, September 29, 2011
a new video
Shooting schedule is still the same... 2 saturdays booked in a row... but the rest of the month is game. Lots of day job, extra gig applying this week. So far I haven't really heard back from anyone T_T Then again I've been a bit stranded but next week will be better!! (feel free to contact me on any of the sites bellow/comment, send a message and what not for shoot inquiries)
Really looking forward to bunker tomorrow as well!!
I'll have to make this short (I've yet to have lunch) But I'd like to say thanks for the new follows, favs and all the love from Deviant Art!! and a super duper thank you to whomever bought a few prints a few days ago :hugs:
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art-- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Formspring -- Youtube
why are females with your personality and hobbies such a rare occurance in todays society?
I'm not sure that they're that rare... I know plenty of female gamers, chicks who like sci fi and guns and ridiculous cheesy violent crap... I think folks just have to get over the whole typical gender roles thing. Then again I don't know where the "normal" girls hang out at but I tend to propagate places filled with folks with like minded interests... I guess that's where it starts... maybe ya just gotta go to the right places. However a girl into classic gaming... I've yet to meet one who likes neo geo... 16 bit crap... classic games or a true arcade trip (and I don't mean just dancing games... I mean everything from racing to light gun to classic platformer shooter action etc. ) kinda girl so far, also haven't met a guy into that either... meh...
Do you like children? Would you like to have any? Or do you think they'd only get in the way of your life prospects?
sure I like children... sometimes I wonder if I'm awkward around them (as I feel strange around most new people) but one thing I do enjoy about them is that they're very honest so if they don't like me they'll let it be known... they have no filter like adults do. I don't want to have any of my own, aside from financial reasons emotionally I'm not sure I could handle dealing with my own child... the things that could go wrong would probably set me up for a nervous break down... and if someone hurt my child... especially in terms of sexual abuse I'd have to cut off their genitals... a lot of sicko's out there... I dunno how I would deal with that....
Would you rather vacation in a city or on a beach?
City plz, the beach isn't always a pleasant place to go, I catch cold very easily so I wouldn't be comfy at a beach most of the year
Monday, September 26, 2011
Since I haven't posted a video in a couple of weeks
here's one... that is utterly pointless but still hahaha. I'm attempting to edit all my videos from now on and to attempt to not look like utter crap in all of them :D If you have any topics you'd like me to discuss feel free to message me them or comment.
No word back from when the whole Gogo team "meeting" will be. Since I have day job work Friday (very early) I won't be going out Thursday like I'd hope for. I guess it's a good thing since I don't get paid from last weeks gig until Friday so... I guess it's ok if I wait an entire day. I'm predicting that I'll be incredibly exhausted though... I have a shoot the next day with Vintage Vista but it's pretty late in the afternoon/evening so I should be all rested up by then :D
I guess that's about all that's going on in Siren land... aside from going to the movies tonight and ever checking on random job opportunities lest I not die a starving uh... artist/model/boobshaker :D
Hopefully I'll see you at Bunker Friday!!!
Feel free to message me on some of the sites at the end or comment if you'd like to book me for a shoot or dancing or to stand by idle and eat all of your pizza... I'm very good at that.
**shoots to happen so far.....
October 1st Vintage Vista
October 8th Sal W Hanna (provided I can find my damn costume but I think I should be able to by then, if you'd want to donate one out of the kindness of ur wallet or just curious as to what kinda crap I like feel free to check out the wishlist on the sidebar)
Papa vic Photography took this spiffy pic above... in the spirit of.... good ol' pumkin day I've shared it with thee hither....
End Transmission
Model Mayhem -- Deviant Art -- Twitter -- Tumblr -- Youtube
What fall TV show are you most excited about?
dexter!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Should a fantasy remain a fantasy? Or should we go ahead and experience it for real? Do you live out your own fantasies?
I think if you can do it w/in reason w/out hurting anyone (unless of course they like that sorta thing) then sure! Some fantasies though (IE some folks haven't had threesomes... can be damaging in ways one doesn't expect...if one is in a serious relationship. Jealousy on either or both sides can erupt etc.) Yeah I can say I've fulfilled a few fantasies in my day :D