Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thoughts on Kink Live

This week is the first week that I've felt like I actually sucked big time. I'm worried that I won't be around much longer.... if you'd like to have me kept around plz support in whatever way you can. I do enjoy this job, talking to everyone and having fun... if you like seeing me plz buy a show, tip when you can, talk about me in the Kink forums etc.

I would greatly appreciate it...

I'll be on again (provided my hours aren't randomly changed) tues (1/24/12) at 7pm - 10pm (pacific/westcoast time) please judge accordingly to whatever time zone you may occupy.

If this is my last week.../ things don't improve... I'd like to thank everyone who has been helpful to me so far... who has bought shows and who continue to remain supportive.

Thank you very much

You're friendly neighborhood siren



  1. Replies
    1. if I knew that I wouldn't be in this pickle... could be cause I'm new, could be not enough site traffic... maybe I'm showing too much too little... I really have no clue
